Order Cancellation

What is our Easy Returns policy?

We assure you that all products sold on tehwaarhm.com are brand new and 100% genuine. In case the product you have received is 'Damaged', 'Defective' or 'Not as Described', our Free & Easy Returns promise has got you covered.

Possible resolution could be Replacement, Exchange or Refund, backed by the 30 Day 

What is Free Replacement?

If you have received an item in a 'Defective' condition, or it is 'Not as Described' by the Seller, you may request a replacement at no extra cost.

Returns are covered by the 30 Day 
Replacement is subject to availability of stock. If the product is out of stock, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked.

How do I return an item purchased on Tehwaarhm.com?

Returns are easy, simply follow these steps

- Contact us and provide Order ID details.

- Customer Support will confirm the return request and will inform you about the pickup process.

- Please ensure that product is in unused and original condition. Include all price tags, labels, original packing .